News Details


Briefing Session on Application for TRiSTAR Fellows AY2025

A briefing session will be held on the application for TRiSTAR Fellows AY2025 at University of Tsukuba. It is open to all researchers affiliated with institutions participating in the TRiSTAR Consortium. It will be conducted in a hybrid format, allowing you to choose between in-person and online attendance based on your convenience. We will also provide individual consultation time after the session at the venue.

■ Briefing Session on Application for TRiSTAR Fellows AY2025

Date and Time: Wed, Apr 2, 2025, 15:00-16:00

Target: Researchers affiliated with TRiSTAR Consortium institutions

Venue: Room 106, Tsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research (ILC) Building, University of Tsukuba

Online information:
(Meeting ID: 828 8990 6642, Passcode: 1jPiav)


  1. Opening
  2. TRiSTAR Program Concept								15 min
  3. Application Guidelines									15 min
  4. TRiSTAR Fellow Talk Session								10 min each
    (1) KAWAKITA, Satoshi (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization)
    (2) SASANO, Misae (Ibaraki University)
  5. Q&A Session											5 min
  6. Closing
  7. Individual Consultation