
笹野 美佐恵

Tenured Senior Lecturer
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Ibaraki University

Research fields
家族/ 人口/ ジェンダー/ ライフコース
Family and Demographic Changes/ Gender/ Life Course Approach
Research project
Comprehensive Study on Declining Birth Rates in Five Asian Cities: Comparative Analysis of Values, Realities and Policies
少子化/ 圧縮的近代/ 比較社会学
Low Fertility/ Compressed Modernity/ Comparative Sociology
Researchers Information



2004年3月 上智大学 文学部心理学科(現・総合人間科学部)卒業 

2011年2月 ソウル大学校 国際大学院 国際学(韓国学)専攻 修士課程修了 

2021年8月 ソウル大学校 社会科学大学院 社会学専攻 博士号取得(社会学) 


2022年10月 – 現在 茨城大学 人文社会科学部 現代社会学科 講師 

2024年9月 – 現在 ソウル大学校 保健大学院 人口政策センター 客員助教授 

2022年9月 – 2023年8月 ソウル大学校 アジア研究所 訪問研究員 

2021年9月 – 2022年8月 ソウル大学校 アジア研究所 客員研究員 

2012年3月2022年8月   ソウル大学校 アジア研究所  

                                       Korea Foundation Global e-School 講義助教


Mar 2004: Sophia University, B.A. in Psychology

Feb 2011: Seoul National University, M.A. in International Studies (Korean Studies)

Aug 2021: Seoul National University, Ph.D. in Sociology


Oct 2022 – Present: Ibaraki University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Assistant Professor(tenured)

Sep 2024 – Present: Seoul National University, Graduate School of Public Health, Population Policy Center, Visiting Assistant Professor

Sep 2022 – Aug 2023: Seoul National University, Institute for Asian Studies, Visiting Research Fellow

Sep 2021 – Aug 2022: Seoul National University, Institute for Asian Studies, Visiting Researcher

Mar 2012 – Aug 2022: Seoul National University, Institute for Asian Studies, Korea Foundation Global e-School, Teaching Assistant

Research Outline





その中でも、「女性の教育水準の爆発的上昇」が、若年女性のライフコースやジェンダー関係にどのような影響を与え、各社会の価値規範や制度とどのような齟齬をきたしているかを詳細に分析しています。 この研究を通じて、東アジア地域の経験している少子化の加速の背景要因を明らかにし、各社会の実情に適した政策提言に資する研究結果を提供することを目指しています。

My research focuses on a comparative sociological approach to family, population, and gender studies. While I have primarily conducted my work in South Korea, concentrating on population issues between Japan and South Korea, I have increasingly expanded my scope to include comparative studies involving Western and other East Asian regions.

My current research project aims to elucidate the underlying causes of declining birth rates in five major Asian cities: Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Singapore. This study specifically addresses the "acceleration of declining birth rates," a phenomenon not adequately explained by existing Western theoretical frameworks. It identifies the rapid societal transformations unique to East Asia, termed "compressed modernity," as a key contextual factor. Through a comprehensive analysis of the values, realities, and policies in each city, the study explores the interactions between these elements and the phenomenon of declining birth rates.

A focal point of my analysis is the "explosive rise in women's educational attainment," which I posit as a critical explanatory variable. I am particularly interested in how these shifts in young women's life courses and gender relations create tensions with traditional societal norms and institutional structures across the studied regions.

The ultimate goal of this research is to identify the commonalities and differences in the underlying factors driving accelerated birth rate declines in East Asia and provide policy-relevant insights tailored to the specific contexts of each city.

What is my goal as a transborder researcher?

私が目指すトランスボーダー研究者とは、国境や文化の壁を越え、異なる社会や分野をつなぐ役割を果たす研究者です。トランスボーダーは、単に物理的な境界を超えることにとどまらず、異なる分野や文化、価値観を結びつけ、より広範な視点から問題を捉えることを意味すると考えています。 私の研究では、家族や人口、ジェンダーに焦点を当て、特に日本と韓国、そして他の東アジア諸国の少子化やジェンダー問題を比較分析しています。アジアの比較研究を通して、これまで欧米を中心に展開されてきた少子化理論に新たな視点を投げかけることを目指しています。そのためには、国境と分野を超えた多様な視点を積極的に取り入れ、異なる背景を持つ人々との活発な対話を通じて、持続可能な社会に貢献できる新しい知見を生み出すことが私の目標です。

As a transborder researcher, I seek to transcend the boundaries of nations and cultures, playing a role that connects different societies and academic fields. Transborder, in my view, is not limited to merely crossing physical borders, but also involves linking various disciplines, cultures, and values, enabling us to approach issues from a broader perspective.

In my research, I focus on family, population, and gender, with particular emphasis on comparing issues such as declining birth rates and gender dynamics in Japan, South Korea, and other East Asian countries. Through comparative research in Asia, I aim to introduce new perspectives to the theories on declining birth rates, which have predominantly been developed from a Western standpoint. To achieve this, my goal is to actively incorporate diverse viewpoints that transcend both national and disciplinary boundaries, and through dialogue with individuals from various backgrounds, generate new knowledge that contributes to building sustainable societies.

