Assistant Professor
Institute of Library, Information and Media Science
University of Tsukuba
英国ブリストル大学工学部機械工学科(2013-2016年 BEng(First Class))を卒業後、2020年に英国ブリストル大学工学部機械科で博士課程を修了.2020年10月より国立大学法人筑波大学の任期付き助教として当時25歳で着任し、2022年12月にデジタルネイチャー開発研究センターの副センター長を兼任.2023年2月よりテニュアトラック助教に転任した.IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2018 Best Student PaperやThe Rank Prize Funds Optoelectronics Committee Prize Award for Best Contributed Paper (Mini Symposium 2019)を受賞し、研究活動は国際メディアに報道されている.
After graduating from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol, UK (2013-2016 BEng (First Class)), he obtained a doctorate from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol, UK (2016-2020). In October 2020, he was appointed as a fixed-term assistant professor at the University of Tsukuba at the age of 25, and since December 2022, he also served as the deputy director of the R&D center of Digital Nature. In February 2023, he was transferred to a tenure-track assistant professor. He is awarded the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2018 Best Student Paper and The Rank Prize Funds Optoelectronics Committee Prize Award for Best Contributed Paper (Mini Symposium 2019), and his research activities have been covered by the international media.
音波は遠隔的に力を生成することができ、この力は音響放射力と呼ばれている.音響放射力は20世紀当初から研究されてきたが、21世紀の電子制御技術を基に高度な音場制御が可能となっている.私はそのような音場制御を活用した応用システムの開発や、音場の最適化に関する基礎研究を反復的に行い、音波をより人類に使いやすくすることを目標としている.例えば、音響放射力で浮揚させた物体を活用して作る音響立体ディスプレイやマイクロリッター単位の自動操作を行える超音波デジタルマイクロ流体操作基盤を開発しており、 これらの技術は医療から製造業、エンターテインメントまで多岐にわたる分野での応用可能性がある.
Sound waves have the capacity to remotely generate forces, known as acoustic radiation forces. While research on acoustic radiation forces dates back to the early 20th century, advancements in 21st-century electronic control technologies have paved the way for sophisticated sound field manipulation. My objective is to leverage this enhanced sound field control to develop practical applications, and iteratively work between applied and fundamental research to innovate the field. For instance, we are pioneering the development of acoustophoretic volumetric displays that utilize objects levitated by acoustic radiation forces, as well as ultrasonic digital microfluidic platforms capable of precise, automatic manipulations at the microliter scale. These innovative technologies offer promising applications across a wide spectrum of industries, from healthcare and manufacturing to entertainment.
I aim to become a researcher who can transcend the boundaries of research disciplines and geographies and integrate diverse perspectives and expertise. Specifically, I will conduct research in collaboration with top researchers in different disciplines such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and develop practical applications with the long time aim of enhancing ultrasonic manipulation technology.
TRiSTARフェロー紹介 第3期フェロー 伏見 龍樹 Tatsuki Fushimi