Fellows (1st-term)


Western Region Agricultural Research Center (WARC)
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)

Research fields
Agricultural meteorology and digital agriculture
Research project
Modeling of wheat and rice development, Development of an automatic pest monitoring system, Forecasting of pest occurrence using time-series analysis/machine-learning techniques
Crop model, digital agriculture, pest population dynamics, machine learning, AI/IoT


2010.4-2014.3  BA of Agriculture, Kyoto University
2014.4-2016.3  MD of Informatics, Graduate school of Informatics, Kyoto University
2016.4-Current  National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)
(Researcher working at Western Region Agricultural Research Center (WARC/NARO))
2019.4-2020.9  Ph.D. in Informatics, Graduate school of Informatics, Kyoto University

Research Outline


I am conducting research aimed at improving crop productivity and stabilizing crop quality in the field from the viewpoint of agricultural meteorology and information science. Specifically, I am studying (1) technology for estimating (modeling) crop growth using agricultural management, meteorological, and genetic data, and (2) the development of an automatic monitoring system of pest occurrence using ICT/IoT. In addition, I am modeling pest population dynamics and conducting a time-series analysis of future pest outbreaks based on historical occurrence records and environmental/meteorological data. My primary research goal is to transform farming operations, which often depend on farmers' experience or calendar-based practices, into data-driven management, contributing to environmentally sustainable agricultural production.

What is my goal as a transborder researcher?


When faced with a challenge, one may find an unexpected solution by integrating the strengths of various specialties, when one’s own specialty or a single technology cannot solve the problem. My goal as a transborder researcher is to overcome my own “frame of thinking” and incorporate innovative ideas and technologies into research through collaboration with various people and organizations, regardless of their field of expertise and nationality.


  • KAWAKITA, Satoshi, TRiSTAR Fellow (1st-term)

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In Preparation.