

【開催案内】TRiSTAR-HAMBURG FORUM for Young Researchers :International and Interdisciplinary Networking (Nov.27-28, 2023)

(The English version is below.)

このたび、TRiSTAR事業では国際交流イベントとして、“TRiSTAR-HAMBURG FORUM for Young Researchers ”を開催します。 海外との研究者間の連携としてはTRiSTAR初の取り組みとなります。 国際的・学際的なネットワーク構築のためのよい機会として、是非ご参加ください。


研究の幅を広げたい! 自分の研究成果を社会に還元したい! でも、
  • 自分と専門の違う研究者とどうやってコミュニケーションをとったらいいの?
  • 自分の研究の価値を理解してもらうにはどうしたらいいの?
  • 分野の違う海外の研究者とはどこでネットワークを作れるの?
そんな悩みはありませんか? このフォーラムは、筑波大学URAとハンブルク大学国際コーディネーターが協力し、分野を越えた国際ネットワークづくりにチャレンジしたい若手研究者のためのプログラムを用意しています。 世界で活躍している多分野連携研究者の体験談や、研究コミュニケーションの専門家による講義と実践ワーク、そして、共通のトピックに集まる仲間との出会い、多様な研究者からのフィードバックを通して、国境と分野を越えるコミュ力を磨きます。 また、この機会で築くネットワークから共同研究を発展させるための国際研究ファンドの情報も得ることが可能です。 特に、Day1,2 の Group Work はレクチャーを実践し、分野の違う研究者からフィードバックがもらえるチャンスです。ぜひご参加ください!
  1. 開催日時:2023年11月27日(月)・28(火) 日本時間17:00~19:45
  2. 形式:オンライン(zoom)
  3. 使用言語:英語(一部講演は英語→日本語同時通訳あり)
  4. 参加対象者:研究者(特に若手研究者歓迎)、大学院生、及び研究支援担当者(URA等)
  5. 参加方法:登録フォームからお申込みください。 ※ワークショップは両日参加をおすすめします。 ※次のプログラムは少人数のグループで行うため、人数に達すると希望に添えない場合があるためお早目にお申込みください。また、陪席での参加も可能です。 Day1 Group Work 25名、Day2 Group Work 各グループ5名
─ 登録受付終了しました ─


Day1 : Nov. 27 (Mon.)  JST 17:00-19:45

Part 1 国際・学際研究体験談
  1. 矢花 一浩(筑波大学 計算科学研究センター 教授)
  2. Theresa Staufer (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, University of Hamburg)
Part 2 国際・学際コミュニケーション力 Power up ワークショップ
  • Lecture ● Communicating Outside Your Own Scientific Community | Fenja De Silva-Schmidt (HRA)
Group Work ● 3分間研究ショーケース+多様な分野からのフィードバック

Day2 : Nov. 28 (Tue.)  JST 17:00-19:45

Part 1 国際・学際研究体験談
  1. 箕輪 佳奈恵(筑波大学 芸術系 特任助教)
  2. Dana Jalobeanu (Professor, Humanities Division of the Institute of Research, University of Bucharest/HIAS)
Part 2 アイデアの融合と進化のワークショップ
Lecture ● 国際研究ファンド紹介
  • ドイツ研究振興協会(DFG)日本代表部
  • ドイツ学術交流会(DAAD) 東京事務所
  • 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)国際部
  • 日本学術振興会(JSPS) ボン研究連絡センター
Group Work ● 国境と分野を越えるMeet-up
  • How do we connect our small research to the big problems in the world
    • 粉川美踏(筑波大学 生命環境系 助教)
    • We are facing many serious global problems, many of which we may talk about in the “Background” part of our research presentations. However, the specific research topic that we are working on may be very far from addressing the big problems. In these cases, can we honestly say that we are attacking the big problems? This is an important question, especially when writing research grant proposals; if our small research topic doesn’t really impact the big problem that we claim to be attacking, the grant we acquire would not be used for what it was intended to be. As a result, the words “climate change” “SDGs” “food security” etc. become empty words. This group aims to discuss the gap between these big problems and our specific research, and how we should think about our motivations and goals when carrying out research.
  • Healthcare technologies and strategies for society
    • 奥村 宏典(筑波大学 数理物質系 助教)
    • I would like to have conversations with individuals from various fields about technologies and strategies for maintaining health and vitality in an aging society.
  • Demographic Issues
    • 笹野 美佐恵(茨城大学 人文社会科学部 講師)
    • While there is concern about falling birthrates and aging populations in developed countries today, there is also concern about overpopulation on a global scale. Therefore, we should consider whether encouraging people in developed countries to have children is an appropriate solution to address the issue of low fertility and a rapidly aging demographic. By sharing new perspectives and solutions, we can work together to build a sustainable future.
  • Transfer to society
    • 川西 邦夫(筑波大学 医学医療系 助教)
    • In the context of the start-up project, I am interested in team building, talent acquisition, and fundraising. For instance, I would like to engage in conversations with experienced researchers and support professionals in the field of venture businesses to gain insights into critical success factors such as advice from research to societal implementation, support for funding applications, motivation maintenance, and access to resources.

●主催 世界で活躍できる研究者戦略育成事業(筑波大学・茨城大学・お茶の水女子大学) University of Hamburg、Hamburg Research Academy(HRA)、The Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study(HIAS) ●後援 ドイツ 科学・イノベーション フォーラム 東京(DWIH東京)  

We are pleased to announce that TRiSTAR is organizing the “TRiSTAR-HAMBURG FORUM for Young Researchers” as an international exchange event.

This marks TRiSTAR’s first initiative in fostering collaboration among researchers from abroad. We cordially invite you to participate in this excellent opportunity for building international and interdisciplinary networks. Your presence would be greatly appreciated.

Fostering Cross-Border and Cross-Disciplinary Communication Skills

I want to expand the scope of my research! I want to contribute my research results to society! However,

  • How can I effectively communicate with researchers from different fields?
  • What can I do to make others understand the value of my research?
  • Where can I network with overseas researchers from diverse disciplines?
Do you have such problems? In collaboration with the International Coordinator in University of Hamburg International Coordinator and URA in the University of Tsukuba, this forum offers a program for young researchers who want to challenge international collaborative research across different fields. Through the experiences of interdisciplinary collaborative researchers who are active around the world, lectures and practical work by experts in research communication, and through meeting fellow researchers who gather around a common topic and feedback from a diverse group of researchers, participants will hone their communicative skills that transcend borders and disciplines. It is also possible to obtain information on international research funds to develop Joint Research from the networks you build through this opportunity. In particular, Day 1 and Day 2 Group Work sessions provide a chance to practice what you’ve learned and receive feedback from researchers in different fields. We encourage you to participate!
  1. Date and Time: Monday, November 27 and Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 17:00-19:45 Japan time
  2. Forum Fomat: Online (zoom)
  3. Language: English (English to Japanese simultaneous interpretation is available for some lectures)
  4. Target participants: Researchers (especially young researchers are welcome), doctoral students, and research support personnel (URA, etc.)
  5. Registration: Please sign up via the registration form. *Participation on both days of the workshop is recommended. *Due to the limited capacity of some programs, early registration is recommended. Observer participation is also possible. *Day1 Group Work: 25 participants, Day2 Group Work: 5 participants per group

Program Overview

Day1 : Nov. 27 (Mon.)  JST 17:00-19:45

Part 1 International and Interdisciplinary Research Experiences
  1. Kazuhiro YABANA (Professor, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
  2. Theresa Staufer (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, University of Hamburg)
Part 2 Workshop on Enhancing International and Interdisciplinary Communication Skills
    • Lecture ● Communicating Outside Your Own Scientific Community | Fenja De Silva-Schmidt (HRA)
    • Group Work ● 3-minute research showcase + feedback from diverse disciplines
Based on the content of the research communication lecture, there will be a group work session where a 3-minute research presentation is conducted, and feedback is obtained to ensure it is understandable to researchers from different fields.  

Day2 : Nov. 28 (Tue.)  JST 17:00-19:45

Part 1 International and Interdisciplinary Research Experiences
  1. Kanae MINOWA (Assistant Professor, Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba)
  2. Dana Jalobeanu (Professor, Humanities Division of the Institute of Research, University of Bucharest/HIAS)
Part 2 Workshop on Idea Fusion and Evolution
  • Lecture ● Introduction of International Research Fund
    • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Office Japan
    • Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) Regional Office Tokyo
    • Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Department of International Affairs
    • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Bonn Office
  • Group Work ● Interdisciplinary Fusion Meet-up: Beyond Language, Culture, and Research Fields
  • How do we connect our small research to the big problems in the world
    • Mito KOKAWA (Assistant Professor, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
    • We are facing many serious global problems, many of which we may talk about in the “Background” part of our research presentations. However, the specific research topic that we are working on may be very far from addressing the big problems. In these cases, can we honestly say that we are attacking the big problems? This is an important question, especially when writing research grant proposals; if our small research topic doesn’t really impact the big problem that we claim to be attacking, the grant we acquire would not be used for what it was intended to be. As a result, the words “climate change” “SDGs” “food security” etc. become empty words. This group aims to discuss the gap between these big problems and our specific research, and how we should think about our motivations and goals when carrying out research.
  • Healthcare technologies and strategies for society
    • Hironori OKUMURA (Assistant Professor, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
    • I would like to have conversations with individuals from various fields about technologies and strategies for maintaining health and vitality in an aging society.
  • Demographic Issues
    • Misae SASANO (Lecturer, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ibaraki University)
    • While there is concern about falling birthrates and aging populations in developed countries today, there is also concern about overpopulation on a global scale. Therefore, we should consider whether encouraging people in developed countries to have children is an appropriate solution to address the issue of low fertility and a rapidly aging demographic. By sharing new perspectives and solutions, we can work together to build a sustainable future.
  • Transfer to society
    • Kunio KAWANISHI (Assistant Professor, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba)
    • In the context of the start-up project, I am interested in team building, talent acquisition, and fundraising. For instance, I would like to engage in conversations with experienced researchers and support professionals in the field of venture businesses to gain insights into critical success factors such as advice from research to societal implementation, support for funding applications, motivation maintenance, and access to resources.

Organized by TRiSTAR: Top Runner Development Program Engaging Universities, National Labs, and Companies (University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki University, Ochanomizu University), University of Hamburg, Hamburg Research Academy (HRA), The Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS) Supported by German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo)